September Newsletter
Welcome Back! We are off to a very positive start at St. Patrick! As we journey together this year we give thanks to all our families at St. Patrick.
The September newsletter has been posted on our website for your reference.
Welcome Back! We are off to a very positive start at St. Patrick! As we journey together this year we give thanks to all our families at St. Patrick.
The September newsletter has been posted on our website for your reference.
This is an important message about the Catholic School Council online nomination process for this year.
As a parent/guardian of a child at this school, you are eligible to self-nominate or nominate another parent/guardian of a child at this school to be a voting member of the Catholic School Council. You have already received an email with a link to a ... Continue reading "CSC Nominations"
The Terry Fox Marathon of Hope is around the corner!
Our run this year will still take place, and like last year, we will do it class by class. Your child’s teacher will let your child know the details of their run date. Run dates, times, and locations will be different for each class to maintain distancing. Unfortunately, we cannot invite volunteers to ... Continue reading "Terry Fox Run"
On September 30 all Canadians are invited to wear an orange shirt to honour Indigenous people and to show a commitment to the idea that every child matters. September 30th is a time for remembering– to recall Canada’s Residential Schools and their sad effects on Indigenous families and cultures. It is a time for healing–to celebrate the beautiful gifts of Indigenous cultures. It is a ... Continue reading "Orange Shirt Day"
You are invited to: St. Patrick CES Virtual Curriculum Night Wednesday September 29, 2021 6:30 pm Parents are invited to join their child’s teacher using a Google Meet Link that will be available on the Homeroom teacher’s Google Classroom. There will be two sessions. The first session will run from 6:30pm to 6:50pm. The second session will run from 7:00pm to 7:20pm.