Welcome Back

Welcome to a New School Year

Welcome Back!  We are looking forward to beginning an exciting new school year! As we journey together this year we give thanks to all our families at St. Patrick.

We extend a warm welcome to all our returning students and to all those new to our school community. We are thankful for the efforts and hard work of our teachers, SEI’s, EA’s, ECE’s, secretaries and custodians. They have been hard at work preparing their classrooms and the school in anticipation of our students’ return.  We look forward to working closely with Fr. Dominic Barber, Fr. Janil Joseph Chakkiath, Fr. Szymon Sorbian and the Parish Team at St. Patrick Church. With their help and guidance we hope to continue strengthening our school, home and church partnership. We are truly blessed with a vibrant and supportive parent community.

It is fitting as we begin a new school year that we reflect on the theme for Catholic Education Week 2025: “We are Pilgrims of Hope”. God bless us all as we prepare to launch into another year of growth in faith, hope and love.

Yours in Catholic Education,

Mrs. Katherine Pellegrini