Category: General

Happy New Year

Prayer for New Beginnings

God of new beginnings,                                                                                                            Bless us with your goodness and love. Guide us to see the beauty and wonder of all that you have created. Free our souls to sing, dance, praise and love. Fill us with delightful anticipation of the year ahead. Nurture our hearts so that we may continue to blossom and grow into the people you ... Continue reading "Happy New Year"

   Welcome December! Joy to the World!


As we enter the month of December, I would like to say thank you! We have accomplished so much together, and I am thankful for everyone’s commitment to our St. Patrick Catholic School community. I would like to express our deepest gratitude for your love and support. During this season of Advent, let us be filled with joy and gratitude to be celebrating ... Continue reading "   Welcome December! Joy to the World!"

Report Cards and Parent Interviews



Interviews and Progress Report Cards

Interviews are formally scheduled for all parents in November on back-to-back days Thursday, November 16 th in the evening  and Friday November 17th, in the morning. The main objectives of the interview are to: