
News Stories

New Year Blessing


I hope you were able to have some much-needed rest over the Christmas break. As we say good-bye to 2021, we welcome a new year, filled with new beginnings.  Sending warmest wishes that 2022 will be a much brighter year.  May we look back on this past year of COVID-19 and credit ourselves for living it, learning from it and supporting one ... Continue reading "New Year Blessing"

Welcome December

Welcome December! As we begin the month of December, I would like to say thank you! We have accomplished so much together, and I am thankful for everyone’s commitment to the health and safety of our St. Patrick Catholic School community. I would like to express our deepest gratitude for your love and support. During this season of Advent, let us be filled with joy ... Continue reading "Welcome December"

Progress Report Cards

On November 16, 2021 (after 4 pm) you will receive your child’s Elementary Progress Report Card, through the Parent Portal. The purpose of this report is to communicate the following about your child in all subjects since the beginning of the school year: development of the six categories of learning skills and work habits (responsibility, organization, independent work, collaboration, initiative, and self-regulation)

We Pray For Peace

Thank you to Mr. Brennan, Ms. Pellegrinio, Gr. 8 and Peter P. for the beautiful Remembrance Day service on November 11, 2021.  Thank you to Mrs. Stang-Kim and Gr. 3 Class for the beautiful ceramic poppies, in celebration of the 100th Year of the Poppy.