
News Stories

St. Patrick Our Patron Saint

On Friday March 22nd, 2019 we will celebrate St. Patrick, Our Patron Saint, at Our Feast Day Mass at 9:15 am. It will be a special Mass, celebrated by Bishop Wayne Kirkpatrick and Father Dominic Barber. We will also be celebrating 60 Years of Catholic Education at St. Patrick Catholic School in Markham. All are welcome to attend the Mass followed by a reception in ... Continue reading "St. Patrick Our Patron Saint"

St. Patrick Celebrates Black History Month

St. Patrick Catholic Elementary School will honour Black History Month by welcoming Aubrey Clarke, motivational author and storyteller. Aubrey will share his stories on topics such as: Bullying, Social Economic Issues, and Catholic Virtues with the school’s Grade K-8 students and teachers through an interactive presentation. Aubrey is the author of: Fly Little Blackbird Fly, It’s Not Over Until It’s Over, Remember Me, and Charlene ... Continue reading "St. Patrick Celebrates Black History Month"

Pink Shirt Day

On February 27, 2019, we encourage everyone to wear a Pink shirt to support Bullying Prevention. We all have the capacity to be kind and compassionate. On February 27th, we invite staff and students of St. Patrick School to wear pink, as a friendly reminder that no matter what our differences, being kind is always a choice worth making.

St. Patrick CES 60 Year Anniversary

You are invited to join the St. Patrick School Community to celebrate “60 Years Blessed”. Thursday March 21st, 2019 7 pm Assembly and Presentations in School Gymnasium Friday March22, 2019, 9:15 am Feast Day Mass Celebrant: Most Reverend Wayne Kirkpatrick, Auxiliary Bishop, Archdiocese of Toronto Followed by a reception in the Library

Please RSVP via the link you know someone who was ... Continue reading "St. Patrick CES 60 Year Anniversary"

Winter Carnaval at St. Patrick

Bonhomme is happy to announce that St. Patrick will be hosting our annual winter carnival the week of February 11-15. Many exciting activities have been planned. Merci beaucoup et Vive le Carnaval. Thank you to Mlle. Nazar and Mme. Mongillo, for all their dedication and efforts in planning and recognizing this French Canadian tradition. Theme Days: Monday 11th – Crazy Hair Day

Tuesday ... Continue reading "Winter Carnaval at St. Patrick"


Winter Walk Day is celebrated across Canada during month of February. It’s the perfect opportunity for parents and kids to get outside together and stretch those legs! We encourage students to walk to school on Wednesday, February 6, 2019 and for classes to include walking activities in their DPA. Walking is the simplest form of exercise and helps kids get those 60 minutes of daily ... Continue reading "WINTER WALK DAY"