Visitors to School

Until further notice, visitor(s) are not to enter the school during hours of operation unless identified                   through a prearranged exception. Visitors include anyone other than staff or students are considered        visitors. It is expected that parents/guardians first contact the school by telephone if assistance is re  quired.  Please call the office 905 294 1571 and speak to Mrs. Cadieux if you require assistance.


School Doors – front door only throughout the day for all people leaving and entering the school


Visitors will only be allowed to enter after they have read the self-assessment notification and have no outlined symptoms.


Visitors will be admitted individually in Elementary schools by buzzer; they will remain in the school foyer where possible.


Visitors will sanitize upon entry to all schools and report to the designated reception area, wear a mask at all times and maintain a two-metre physical distance as they enter, move through and exit the building.


Visitors will follow the directional arrows in the hallways and stairwells.

Visitors must be wearing a face mask upon entry and during their entire visit.

Any permitted visitors experiencing COVID-19 symptoms must not enter the school, they must leave immediately, the use of a mask is not a solution nor an acceptable alternative.


As usual, all permitted visitors (board staff, contractors etc.) must confirm their arrival by signing in outside the main office door.

All permitted visitors must sign in and out.

     Prearranged Meetings

When a parent/guardian needs to meet with the Principal in person, the meeting must be scheduled in advance.

     Families registering a new student:

Where possible, only one parent/ guardian, the student and a translator, if required or in circumstances where additional family members need to be present, this may be admissible by the principal.