Catholic School Council Meeting
Our next Catholic School Council Meeting
Wednesday April 21, 2021
7:00 pm
Virtual Google Meeting Link will be sent
All Parents Are Welcome!
Our next Catholic School Council Meeting
Wednesday April 21, 2021
7:00 pm
Virtual Google Meeting Link will be sent
All Parents Are Welcome!
Parents of children born in 2017 (four years old by December 31, 2021) are welcome to register their child for Full Day Junior Kindergarten. Registrations will take place online at
The following original documents are required:
I hope you were able to have some much-needed rest over the Christmas break. As we say good-bye to 2020, we welcome a new year, filled with new beginnings. Sending warmest wishes that 2021 will be a much brighter year.
May we look back on this past year of COVID-19 and credit ourselves for living it, learning from it and supporting one another ... Continue reading "New Year Greetings"
This week YCDSB announced a reorganization of elementary class structures that will put face to face and remote students together in the same classroom under the direction of a classroom teacher from the students’ home school. Another update will be provided to parents on Monday, October 12, 2020 with additional details that will hopefully answer all your questions. We will be posting a FAQ document ... Continue reading "Reorganization of Class Structures"
Until further notice, visitor(s) are not to enter the school during hours of operation unless identified through a prearranged exception. Visitors include anyone other than staff or students are considered visitors. It is expected that parents/guardians first contact the school by telephone if assistance is re quired. Please call the office 905 294 1571 and speak to Mrs. Cadieux if you require assistance.