Category: General

Terry Fox Run

The Terry Fox Marathon of Hope is around the corner and this year is the 40th Anniversary!!!  Our run this year will still take place, however we will do it class by class. Your child’s teacher will let your child know the details of their run date. Run dates, times, and locations will be different for each class to maintain distancing. Unfortunately, we cannot invite ... Continue reading "Terry Fox Run"

Welcome Back

Welcome Back! We are about to begin an exciting new school year, like no other before. We return with enthusiasm hope and some uncertainty.   It will be so wonderful to welcome the students back to face to face and virtual learning. It’s hard to believe that it has been six months since we have been in our school.

As we journey together this ... Continue reading "Welcome Back"

Principal’s Message

Principal’s Message

As we conclude the school year, I want to both thank and congratulate our students on the tremendous efforts they have made and success they have achieved during the unprecedented circumstances of a term two unlike any other. When we parted ways for March break I never dreamt that we would be ending our school year in this way.

... Continue reading "Principal’s Message"